Before the world of technology took over, there was only shorthand and paper files to rely on. While this seemed to be enough at the time, no one really understand how unnecessarily lengthy and erroneous processes were because there was really nothing else to compare...
Get Computer Help in Austin, TX Before You Go Shopping
When it comes to owning a computer, the most stressful part is often when you have to go shopping for one. The average person spends very little time worrying about how many cores a processor should have, whether a 5400 RPM hard drive is going to be fast enough for...
Two Things To Know About Setting Up Your Wireless Network in Denver
In a business setting, especially in customer service and marketing fields, there are few things as important as the network that is used to complete daily tasks and activities. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to make sure that your computer network is...
Guide to Selecting a Legal Time Tracking Software
Gone are the days of paper records. Even electronic spreadsheets have become somewhat inefficient in an era where a smartphone app exists for every need. For attorneys who bill based on time spent on the individual client’s case, it is essential to accurately keep...
Redesigning Your Shopify Site for Custom SEO
In your time spent as an e-commerce website owner, you’ve likely run across the term SEO, which stands for search engine optimization. This is a marketing tool used by many websites to attract visitors and convert visitors into sales. SEO is how a search engine finds...